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Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Closest Airports Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Airport EGC

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Closest Airports to Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Airport: Exploring Your Options

France's Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Airport (EGC) is a popular gateway to the beautiful Dordogne region. However, there are several other airports in the vicinity that could offer more convenient options depending on your final destination. Each of these airports has its own unique features and services, providing practical alternatives for those looking to avoid the bustle of EGC or seeking closer access to specific locations.

In the list below, we present the nearest 10 airports to EGC "as the crow flies," complete with an interactive map for easy navigation. Additionally, we provide driving distances and estimated drive times to major nearby cities. Please note that the information given is approximate and does not take into account variables such as traffic, road conditions, or the need for additional transportation modes like ferries. This guide is designed to help you explore these alternatives, ensuring a smoother and more personalized travel experience.

Driving Distances From EGC Airport:

From Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

Nearby Cities

  • Bergerac, France - 6 kilometers (Approx. 12 mins)
  • Bordeaux, France - 126 kilometers (Approx. 1 hour 36 mins)
  • Toulouse, France - 206 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 33 mins)
  • Limoges, France - 204 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 10 mins)

Other Landmarks

  • Stade de l'Avenir in Bergerac, France - 6 kilometers (Approx. 12 mins)

Services & Information: Alternative Airports Near EGC

Updated on: December 4, 2023

Bergerac Dordogne Perigord Airport closest airports Q&A

The nearest cities to EGC are Bergerac, Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Limoges. Bergerac is the closest, at a distance of 6 kilometers and an approximate drive time of 12 minutes. Bordeaux is 126 kilometers away with a drive time of around 1 hour 36 minutes. Toulouse and Limoges are both further away, at 206 kilometers and 204 kilometers respectively, with estimated drive times of 2 hours 33 minutes and 2 hours 10 minutes.
Yes, the Stade de l'Avenir in Bergerac, France is only 6 kilometers away from EGC, with an approximate driving time of 12 minutes.
The article does not provide information on alternative airports within an hour's drive of EGC.
No, the given driving times are approximate and do not account for variables such as traffic, road conditions, or the need for additional modes of transportation like ferries.
The information was last updated on November 22, 2023. It's not specified how often updates occur, so it's recommended to check for the most recent information before planning your trip.