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Missing Your Connecting Flight

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Dealing With Missed Flight Connections

Out of all the travel hiccups I've encountered, missing a connecting flight ranks among the most frustrating. Despite all the planning, from arriving early at the airport to ensuring a comfortable layover, sometimes things just don't go as planned. I’ve been there, and it’s an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Missed connections often happen at major hub airports with tons of incoming and departing flights. I've seen this firsthand at places like Salt Lake City, St. Louis (STL), Phoenix (PHX), and Minneapolis Twin Cities.

In these stressful moments, it’s easy to feel lost, especially when you’re not sure about your rights or the next steps. In this article, I’m going to share what I’ve learned from my experiences, including your rights and some tips that can help you navigate this situation if you ever find yourself in it.

silhouette of man holding bag in inside of airport station during daytime

Causes of Missed Flight Connections

The Airline is Responsible

When I missed a connection due to a flight delay or cancellation, it wasn’t just frustrating—it was confusing. But here’s what I learned: if it’s the airline’s fault, they’re responsible for getting you on the next available flight at no extra cost. In some cases, I’ve even received meal vouchers, accommodation, or ground transportation to make the wait a little more bearable. It’s comforting to know that you’re entitled to these things, so don’t be afraid to ask. And BTW, if you're curious to know why flights get delayed, learn here.

Poor Weather

Weather is one of those things that’s completely out of our control. If a storm causes you to miss your connection, the airline may not offer you much in terms of compensation, but they will work to rebook you on the next available flight. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the weather forecast for your departure and arrival airports so you can anticipate any potential delays.

Personal Reasons

Once, I missed a flight because I got held up in a ridiculously long security line. Talk about stress! In these situations, you may have to pay a change fee, and if the new ticket costs more, you’ll need to cover the difference. However, speaking directly with a gate agent can sometimes lead to better options. I’ve found that explaining your situation calmly and clearly can make a big difference.

What Compensation is Available?

In one of my more unfortunate travel experiences, I arrived at my destination over three hours later than planned because of a missed connection. It wasn’t until I started digging into my rights that I found out I could get compensated for the inconvenience. If you’re flying in Europe, the EU Passenger Rights Regulation might entitle you to cash compensation if you’re delayed by three hours or more.

In the United States, however, the situation is a bit different. U.S. airlines are not required by law to compensate passengers for delayed or canceled flights. However, many airlines do offer some form of compensation as a goodwill gesture, such as meal vouchers, hotel accommodations, or rebooking on a later flight. This compensation is often discretionary and varies by airline and the specific circumstances of the delay or missed connection.


Planning your connecting flights can be a daunting task, especially when you're unsure how much time to allocate between flights. I used to struggle with this myself until I came across this insightful video by Ben. In just under 8 minutes, he breaks down the essential factors to consider, from airport layouts to seasonal weather impacts, and offers practical tips for managing tight connections. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a newbie, this video is a must-watch to ensure you never miss a connecting flight again. Click play and make your next trip smoother and stress-free!

If your connecting flight is canceled or delayed within the EU, the airline must offer certain services, including:

  • Refreshments during your wait
  • Transportation to your accommodation, if needed
  • Hotel accommodation for overnight waits
  • Rebooking on the next available flight to your destination

In the U.S., while these services are not mandated, many airlines will still provide assistance, especially if the delay is due to factors within the airline’s control. It's always a good idea to ask about available options if you find yourself in this situation.

Knowing what to expect in both the U.S. and Europe can really take some of the sting out of an otherwise miserable situation, and it’s always worth checking with your airline to see what they’re willing to offer.

Tips to Know if You Missed a Connecting Flight

Here’s how I’ve managed to keep my cool when I’ve missed a connecting flight:

Travel map infographic

Remain Calm

I can’t stress this enough: stay calm. If my connecting flight gets canceled, it's hard not to get frustrated. But I found that being calm and speaking politely to an gate agent makes the process of rebooking much smoother. They’re usually quite willing to help, and in some cases, they’ve even booked me on another airline to get me to my destination faster.

Ask for Help

If you miss your connection for personal reasons, don’t hesitate to ask the airline for help. While they might not offer compensation, they can assist in rebooking. If there are no more flights available that day, they can suggest nearby hotels—though, unfortunately, you’ll likely have to cover the cost yourself.

Self-Help Kiosks

There was a time when I stumbled across a self-help kiosk after missing a connection, and it was super convenient. These kiosks allow you to quickly rebook flights and check out the schedules for alternatives without having to wait in line at the ticket counter. It’s fast, easy, and takes a lot of the hassle out of an already stressful situation.

gray airplane on parking

Ask for Additional Flight Options

If your airline doesn’t have any more flights that day, you might be able to book a seat on another airline. Yes, it often comes with an additional cost, but sometimes it’s worth it to reach your destination as planned. Understanding your options and asking about them can really help when you’re feeling stranded.

Missing a flight is never fun, but over the years and a gazillion flights later, I’ve learned that a bit of preparation and a calm attitude can go a long way. By booking flights with ample time between connections and staying flexible, you can handle these situations with minimal stress.

FAQ: Missed Flight Connections

Remain calm and speak politely to a gate agent. They can assist with rebooking and may provide additional help like meal vouchers or accommodation.
If the airline is responsible, they must get you on the next available flight at no extra cost. They may also provide meal vouchers, accommodation, or ground transportation.
Airlines will work to rebook you on the next available flight, but compensation is usually not provided for weather-related delays.
You may have to pay a change fee and cover any fare difference. However, speaking directly with a gate agent can sometimes lead to better options.
Under the EU Passenger Rights Regulation, you may be entitled to cash compensation if delayed by three hours or more, along with services like refreshments and accommodation.
U.S. airlines are not required by law to compensate for delays or cancellations, but many offer goodwill gestures like meal vouchers, hotel accommodations, or rebooking.
Airlines must offer refreshments, transportation to accommodation, hotel stays for overnight waits, and rebooking on the next available flight.
Self-help kiosks allow you to quickly rebook flights and check schedules for alternatives without waiting in line at the ticket counter.
Yes, you can book a seat on another airline, though it may come with an additional cost. It's worth asking about this option.
Stay calm, ask for help, use self-help kiosks, and understand your options. Booking flights with ample time between connections and staying flexible can also help.

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