
Medical & Handicapped Help Philadelphia Airport PHL

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Emergency / Medical Servicesat Philadelphia PHL Airport

For medical emergencies call 911 from any airport telephone.
Airport Police: 215-937-6918.
The Airport's Hospitality Program assists passengers during emergency and weather situations when flight operations are disrupted.

People With Special Needs / Persons With Disabilities

Special lanes at security checkpoints are for passengers with disabilities.
Contact your airline or travel agent for boarding and deplaning procedures; if you need a wheelchair, order it 48 hours ahead of scheduled departure or when making reservations.
ADA-equipped elevators & restrooms are available in each terminal and garage.
Moving walkways: on the walkway between Terminal A-East and Terminal A-West, on the connector bridge between the Terminal A-West bag re-check area and Terminal A-East, on the 3rd floor walkway in Terminal A-West, on the walkway between Terminals A-East and B, between Terminals B and C behind the row of shops, on the walkway between Terminals C and D and along the pedestrian bridges on the way to bag claim in Terminals B, C, D and E.

If you have a hearing impairment, use these information numbers: 215-683-9842 or 215-683-9825.

Furtherrmore note that passengers with disabilities, or their families, can call 'TSA Cares' - (if possible 72 hrs.) prior to arriving at the Airport -  toll-free at 1-855-787-2227, regarding screening policies & security check procedures. (call weekdays 9am-9pm - EST, except holidays)

Tips, Help & Resources helps you get around Philadelphia airport with ease. Here are a few recommendations that can help you navigate and make the most of your airport visit: