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Moscow Sheremetyevo Closest Airports

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Closest Airports to Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport: Exploring Your Options

As a key gateway to Russia's bustling capital, Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport (SVO) is a major travel hub. However, there are several other airports in the vicinity that offer alternative options for travelers. Each of these airports has unique features and services, and they can provide more convenient access to specific destinations or an escape from the hustle and bustle of SVO.

In the following list, we present the 10 airports closest to SVO "as the crow flies". This list includes an interactive map for easy navigation, along with driving distances and estimated drive times to major nearby cities. Please note that the information provided is approximate and does not account for factors such as traffic, road conditions, or the need for additional modes of transportation like ferries. Our aim is to help you explore these alternatives and ensure a smoother, more personalized travel experience.

Driving Distances From SVO Airport:

From Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

Nearby Cities

  • Moscow, Russia - 29 kilometers (Approx. 40 mins)
  • Nizhny Novgorod, Russia - 452 kilometers (Approx. 5 hours 48 mins)
  • Saint Petersburg, Russia - 681 kilometers (Approx. 6 hours 36 mins)

Other Landmarks

  • Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, Russia - 35 kilometers (Approx. 41 mins)

Distances from SVO (Sheremetyevo International Airport) to Nearby Airports:

  • DME (Domodedovo International Airport) - 43 miles (70 kilometers)
  • LED (Pulkovo Airport) - 372 miles (599 kilometers)
  • MSQ (Minsk National Airport) - 399 miles (643 kilometers)
  • KBP (Boryspil International Airport) - 473 miles (762 kilometers)
  • VNO (Vilnius Airport) - 485 miles (781 kilometers)
  • RIX (Riga International Airport) - 517 miles (833 kilometers)
  • TLL (Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport) - 521 miles (839 kilometers)
  • KUN (Kaunas Airport) - 526 miles (847 kilometers)
  • JOE (Joensuu Airport) - 537 miles (865 kilometers)
  • HEL (Helsinki Airport) - 543 miles (874 kilometers)

Services & Information: Alternative Airports Near SVO

Moscow Domodedovo Airport (DME)

Located just 42 kilometers southeast of the vibrant city of Moscow, the Moscow Domodedovo Airport serves as a major gateway to Russia's capital and the surrounding region.

Quick Facts

  • IATA Code: DME
  • Official Name: Moscow Domodedovo Airport
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Annual Passenger Volume: Not provided
  • Prominent Airlines: S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines
  • Popular Aircraft: Airbus A380, Boeing 777, Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Airbus A31X/32X, Boeing 737
  • Top Destinations: Adler/Sochi, Minsk, Tashkent, Addis Ababa, Blagoveschensk
  • Transportation Options: Moscow Domodedovo Airport offers a variety of transportation options. These include taxis, car rentals, and rideshare services. In addition, the airport is well-served by public transportation, including trains and buses.

Driving Distances

From Moscow Domodedovo Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

  • Moscow, Russia - 50 kilometers (Approx. 1 hour 6 mins)
  • Tula, Russia - 169 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 7 mins)
  • Ryazan, Russia - 179 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 30 mins)
  • Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, Russia - 45 kilometers (Approx. 53 mins)

St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport (LED)

Located just 23km south of the city center, the St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport serves as the primary gateway to the cultural capital of Russia, offering a multitude of domestic and international flights.

Quick Facts

  • IATA Code: LED
  • Official Name: St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport
  • Location: St Petersburg, Russia
  • Prominent Airlines: Aeroflot, Pobeda
  • Popular Aircraft: Boeing 777, Airbus A330, Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Airbus A31X/32X, Boeing 737
  • Top Destinations: Moscow (SVO), Istanbul (IST), Minsk (MSQ), Shanghai (PVG), Chengdu (TFU)
  • Transportation Options: Information not available

Driving Distances

From St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

  • St Petersburg, Russia - 23 kilometers (Approx. 35 mins)
  • Moscow, Russia - 694 kilometers (Approx. 6 hours 57 mins)
  • Helsinki, Finland - 444 kilometers (Approx. 7 hours 44 mins)
  • Gazprom Arena in St Petersburg, Russia - 35 kilometers (Approx. 34 mins)

Minsk National Airport (MSQ)

Located just 42 km from the city center of Minsk, the Minsk National Airport serves as a key gateway to the capital of Belarus and its major attractions.

Quick Facts

  • IATA Code: MSQ
  • Official Name: Minsk National Airport
  • Location: Minsk, Belarus
  • Annual Passenger Volume: Not provided
  • Prominent Airlines: Belavia, Aeroflot
  • Popular Aircraft: Airbus A330, Embraer 19X/17X, Boeing 737
  • Top Destinations: Moscow, Beijing, Delhi
  • Transportation Options: Not provided

Driving Distances

From Minsk National Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

  • Minsk, Belarus - 43 kilometers (Approx. 41 mins)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania - 227 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 53 mins)
  • Riga, Latvia - 525 kilometers (Approx. 6 hours 20 mins)
  • Dinamo Stadium in Minsk, Belarus - 40 kilometers (Approx. 43 mins)

Kiev Boryspil Airport (KBP)

Located just 29 kilometers east of Kiev, the bustling capital of Ukraine, the Kiev Boryspil Airport serves as the country's largest and busiest airport, offering both domestic and international flights.

Quick Facts

  • IATA Code: KBP
  • Official Name: Kiev Boryspil Airport
  • Location: Boryspil, Kiev Oblast, Ukraine
  • Annual Passenger Volume: Approximately 12 million passengers per year
  • Prominent Airlines: Ukraine International Airlines, Ryanair, Belavia
  • Popular Aircraft: Boeing 737, Embraer 190, Airbus A320
  • Top Destinations: Istanbul, Minsk, London, Frankfurt, Tel Aviv
  • Transportation Options: Sky Bus provides regular shuttle service between the airport and downtown Kiev. Taxis and car rental services are also available. Uber operates in the area, providing another convenient option for travelers.

Driving Distances

From Kiev Boryspil Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

  • Kiev, Ukraine - 35 kilometers (Approx. 37 mins)
  • Kharkiv, Ukraine - 451 kilometers (Approx. 5 hours 12 mins)
  • Odessa, Ukraine - 509 kilometers (Approx. 5 hours 41 mins)
  • Olympic Stadium in Kiev, Ukraine - 35 kilometers (Approx. 37 mins)

Vilnius International Airport (VNO)

Conveniently located just 6 kilometers south of the vibrant city center, Vilnius International Airport serves as the main gateway for travelers looking to explore the historic charm of Lithuania's capital, Vilnius.

Quick Facts

  • IATA Code: VNO
  • Official Name: Vilnius International Airport
  • Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Prominent Airlines: Air Baltic, Ryanair
  • Popular Aircraft: Airbus A31X/32X, Code 220
  • Top Destinations: Riga, Latvia; Tenerife, Spain; Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Transportation Options: Information not provided. Please check the airport's official website or contact them directly for the most accurate and up-to-date transportation options.

Driving Distances

From Vilnius International Airport, the closest cities and landmarks are:

  • Vilnius, Lithuania - 6 kilometers (Approx. 17 mins)
  • Kaunas, Lithuania - 105 kilometers (Approx. 1 hour 12 mins)
  • Minsk, Belarus - 182 kilometers (Approx. 2 hours 26 mins)
  • Riga, Latvia - 303 kilometers (Approx. 3 hours 44 mins)
  • LFF Stadium in Vilnius, Lithuania - 5 kilometers (Approx. 11 mins)

Riga International Airport (RIX)

Located just 13 kilometers from the heart of the vibrant city of Riga, the Riga International Airport serves as the main hub for air travel in Latvia, offering a variety of international and regional flights.

Tallinn Airport (TLL)

Located just 4 km from the heart of Estonia's capital, Tallinn Airport serves as the main gateway for international travel to and from the country, offering a range of services and amenities for travelers.

Kaunas International Airport (KUN)

Located just 14 km northeast of the city center, Kaunas International Airport serves as a significant gateway to the historical city of Kaunas, Lithuania's second-largest city renowned for its interwar architecture and vibrant cultural scene.

Joensuu Airport (JOE)

Located just 11 kilometers from the city center, Joensuu Airport is your gateway to the scenic beauty and cultural attractions of Joensuu, Finland.

Helsinki-Vantaa Airport (HEL)

Located just 17 kilometers north of the city center, Helsinki-Vantaa Airport serves as the main international gateway to Helsinki and the rest of Finland, offering a wide range of services and amenities to ensure a comfortable travel experience.

Updated on: December 4, 2023

Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport closest airports Q&A

From SVO, the driving distances are approximately 29 kilometers to Moscow (40 minutes), 452 kilometers to Nizhny Novgorod (5 hours 48 minutes), and 681 kilometers to Saint Petersburg (6 hours 36 minutes). The Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow is around 35 kilometers away (41 minutes).
Some alternative airports within a reasonable driving distance from SVO include Domodedovo International Airport (DME) at 70 kilometers away, and Pulkovo Airport (LED) at 599 kilometers away.
From DME, Moscow is approximately 50 kilometers away (1 hour 6 minutes), Tula is 169 kilometers away (2 hours 7 minutes), and Ryazan is 179 kilometers away (2 hours 30 minutes). The Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow is around 45 kilometers away (53 minutes).
From LED, the driving distances are approximately 23 kilometers to St Petersburg (35 minutes), 694 kilometers to Moscow (6 hours 57 minutes), and 444 kilometers to Helsinki, Finland (7 hours 44 minutes). The Gazprom Arena in St Petersburg is around 35 kilometers away (34 minutes).
From MSQ, the driving distances are approximately 43 kilometers to Minsk (41 minutes), 227 kilometers to Vilnius, Lithuania (2 hours 53 minutes), and 525 kilometers to Riga, Latvia (6 hours 20 minutes). The Dinamo Stadium in Minsk is around 40 kilometers away (43 minutes).